Monopods are in Fashion!

Recently, Manfrotto asked me to write an article on the use of monopods in Fashion Photography.

Even though I am a Manfrotto ambassador, I have considered this such a great honour, and I have received some great feedback from it!

You can read it at the following link: Manfrotto School of Xcellence

It would be great to hear what you think about it also 🙂

The amount of exposure has been amazing. My own article has even come up as a sponsored, and suggested, ad on my own personal facebook. That was a treat to see on my timeline!



#LFW AW14: Fashion East

Images taken at the Fashion East show at the Topshop Show Space during LFW AW14. Images have been downsized for the web and to prevent theft.
This is the first time I have photographed runway in approximately 2 years (4 seasons), and because my camera kit focuses around backstage now I ended up shooting runway on a fixed 50mm lens. Here are the results of this technical blunder!

LCM: Spencer Hart

Elegance. Class. Jazz. Savile Row. Tailoring. Suits. Cigars. Cognac.

All of this sums up Spencer Hart’s SS13 collection.

You can see my coverage here on Planet Notion.
This is a bit different though in that my images AND my writing have been published for this collection.

My first piece of fashion writing published.
Hope you like!

LCM: Topman Design

My first show to photograph of London Collections: Menswear on Friday 15th June was Topman Design!
So here are a few images from that show.
The collection was all so colourful and I found myself wanting to purchase some pieces even though I’m female! SS13 is looking bright already!

I was at LCM with Notion Magazine, so to have a look at their interview and more of my photography just check out Topman Design on PN